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Learn about Dr. Julie's hardships and how she overcame them as she shares about her life and her passion in this intimate interview.


Dr. Julie shares a strategy for respecting mental health and wellness in the workplace. 

Check out the article here 


​Dr. Julie shares her insights on effective strategies for work-life integration. 

Check out the article here


Dr Julie Donley shares her lesson on burning out and what she did to conquer that. 

Check out the article here


Dr Julie Donley shares her views on how coaches can help leaders develop their strategic thinking. 

Check the article out here


Dr. Julie Donley shares her views on how to be more curious at work. 

Check out the article here


Dr. Julie Donley shares her views on the Center for Coaching Certification on the reasons leaders should develop coaching skills. 

Check out the article here  



Dr. Julie Donley shares her views on Fast Company on how to unlock high performing teams. 

Check out the article here


Dr. Julie Donley shares her views on how to move from mid-level management to the C-Suite. 

Check out the article here 



Dr. Julie Donley Interviewed on the Heart of Health Care Podcast

Dr. Jan Bonhoeffer, author and founder of Heart-Based Medicine, interviewed Dr. Donley as a guest on his Heart of Health Care podcast, along with Dr. Dan Dinenberg. The episode focused on the role of coaching, leadership development, and emotional intelligence (self-awareness and empathy) in developing high-performing and heart-centered teams. The podcast features guests who are making waves and creating the future of healthcare. You can listen to the podcast, Heart of Healthcare, here



Dr. Julie Donley Interviewed on the Co-Author Network

On 1/4/2022, Dr. Donley was interviewed on the Co-Author Network with Emilio and Daniela Roman. They are on a mission to assist authors in bringing their story to the world. Julie's books, The Journey Called YOU: A Roadmap to Self-Discovery and Acceptance, and Does Change Have to Be So H.A.R.D.? are the perfect read as people work through the changes that have been thrust upon us in the past couple years.

> Listen to the interview with Dr. Donley at time stamp 33.30. Enjoy!  



Dr. Julie Donley: Healthcare Workers Making a Difference

In my series, “Dare to Care,” I interview Dr. Julie Donley who believes in helping healthcare workers thrive and bringing out the best in them. I hope you enjoy the Q&A as much as I did.

Michelle Tennant Nicholson > read article




View Dr. Julie Donley's publications.
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